My Mighty God, who canst dwell us in misery and pain,I humbly beseech thee. Through thy sanctity and lenity, guidest us to the serenity of thy sanctuary. From thy word strengthens my Faith, above us hovers thy Seraphim and Cherubim. Hope entrust thee, my Immortal God, danger shalt not jeopardize us. Thy Thrones teach to manifest Charity amongst others.

Dominations hast edict Virtues. Abiding Fortitude,forbear vicious venture, diminishing tremble. Aid my action in practice of Justice, deliberating the right from wrong. Uphold such divinity exemplicates thy Powers.
The Principalities, prevalence by thy Prince, demonstrate me the good that I will to do. Adhere my spirit withe Temperance,in restrain of temptation and contempt indulgence. Disperse all evil, whom persuadest us commit malice deeds against thine Archangels. And grant my talent, in serve for the people, imitating the messenger--- thine Angels.

I thank thee, my loving God, for the gifts thou handed. Whether of things that cant be grasp or of value that best kept in heart. I repent on my sins for plead of thy forgiveness. And bless they, who accompany me, for without them I shalt be lonely at my inane life.
I pray in the name of Jesus and at the intercession of Mama Mary for the entity of those whom surrounds me, to be at the hand of God now and forever. Amen
©Thylyt19 Nov. 7, 2008
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