"Even though it is blocked, we can still see the sky. We can still see the sea. This is not hell, so please stop acting like your dying." Usopp said this in
One Piece when Luffy was almost defeated by his enemy. Luffy cannot make any move by then because he thought that he already used all his strength. But when his enemy tried to target Usopp, after saying those words. The captain, Luffy, stand up and gained his spirit. He beat up his opponent by protecting his friend. He has a dream, to reach for it and rise to the sky. Life is a progress. The limit only stops when you already touch the sky. If you haven't felt the clouds under your feet, the stars down below, and soar high even that you don't count your belongings, this means that your life haven't reach
"Sora" or the sky.
Dreams are often as high as the sky. We need to work for it in able for us to have it. People who doesn't mind bothering there dreams mend to stay derailed to the path they really want to take. Whether to a dim sky or a bright sky, the ending still follows to the captain. What I mean is, your are the boss of your ship. The sky is simply a destination for you not to become idle of all the capabilities you have. It must be shared for the benefit of the community, the crowd which needs your specialties that they don't have. Every single person has unique ability. One should let the world see it so forth not the ability depletes as much as fade in barren. For those whom has there dream of there own yet sometimes looses hope, I recommend to watch
One Piece. This anime is not all about action, not all about entertainment, its more like how to conquer your dreams and reach for the sky. Though your an ordinary person, by your dreams, you can become special. Its also about friendship. The ups and down even the sacrifice of a true friend just for his friend. Nevertheless, sky can never be too dark whenever real friends comes to journey with your dreams.
Skyla Nikijima |
Eventually, I have one person in mind that I come to think that is similar to sky. Not that I only call her by hat name but simply, she just come to aim for the sky. This girl, as much as I see it, can do things that bound with the sky. Cosplaying, gaming, studying, and alot of desires she comes to hold with. She's even beautiful as I can tell. No wonder many comes to get amaze and be stun by herself. Furthermore, her name similarly bind with her personality. Being a sky to be dreamt of and a reason to chase every goals that come in your mind. Those are the view of my own for her. Lucky this child can do alot of things that she likes. No one stops and no one to restrain her upon what to do. Isn't it really nice to do things upon your wish? In able to reach and feel the sky of the desire.
©Thylyt19 12:51 pm March 16, 2011
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