"I don't care what happen to me. I don't e care what happens to the world. I just want to save you." This is a passage in one of the OVA of Neon Genesis Evangelion. The line was said by Shinji Ikari, he is the man protagonist of the story. He tends to neglect all that surrounds him for someone who is important for him. Very ironic I think, but in the real world nobody would do such thing. Few have the faith to continue what there heart desires. Frustration, one of the most visible reason to point-out. The consequences of a action is the one we often consider when a conflict arise. We hault then eve defer decision which leads us to lost of opportunity and increase of pressure towards our life. I, too, am afraid of consequences yet I just can't stand the painful look on your face.

The first I saw you, the sun brights upon your face. There's no trace of the harsh world, not even a mark of the life you prefer. An angel? . . . Maybe not. They hover in heaven though you bring joy down here from the earth. Perhaps a doll/ I guess not either for a doll doesn't hug back when you hug them tight. They doesn't even yield when you praise them. It is just good for your eyes. I know, a cute little child. Exactly, that's what your are. Those smile that soothes my fear. The warm radiance that vigorates my soul. They simply don't understand it for most people judge by there eyes not by there hands. For a clearer view, they criticize on what they only see yet they don't understand the existence of such situation. I care for you but your may not see ti because I don't show it. My wish of your success still lives on and I don't like it when I perceive a young maiden to rue upon an uncertainty. I want to punish the one that brings trouble towards you though I don't have the right to do an action of such. I can only be the Holy Knight that descend in the forest dispersing all the adversity which puts tears unto your face. I do best about the things I know to do.

Me, a passerby apprehending the sudden lament you declare. Some tells that I am just a wasted person because I can't do anything right. I have no guts to pursue things which I want to do. And even, make a single step towards my dreams. Yet, I count the small progress I conceive everyday, for its better to move slow rather than just standing still. Wish I could rinse those tears though I can't do it. I made a different way to make you laugh or smile for this photo. I hope I ease your burden just even a little and stay happy for all the action you come to compel. Stay blessed for the others and take care. . . God bless.
©Thylyt19 11:03 am April 24, 2011
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