The world is full of uncertainty. We have no control about that. Pain, agony, despair, and misery are simply a part of this sanctuary. There are times that we would like to run away from everything yet if we do it,things still remains the same. The only thing which change, is the place and the feeling. The place for a better cure about the burden which really pus a heart very low. And the feeling, assumes a very hard dealt to drive because its part of the reality that can't be faked. Scape, its only a remedy for our world. A good col down for the all so disparaging situation and return with a heart of valiancy, this could change the situation. When things aren't doing well, why not chill and relax. Too much pressure can lead to a bigger problem. It is not good to practice such everyday though use the remedy in a proper situation.

A gathering or a convention, this is one of my way for escape. I'm very disrupted on the idea to the things that happen here. I just wish that I didn't live for all that occur. Sometimes, I want to give up but when I look upon how far I already got, I tend to move on. I don't want to waste all the effort, the unfinished business, and the goals I want to attain. Lucky I can walk even seeing my friends are adding as my strength. They are the people that let me move from the recent advocacy I avail. If I can't move on I stopped and relax for a moment. Then, as my hand got all together along he people whom charges my shaking knees, I face all the enemy I can and destroy them down. A gathering, another session of my escape. Its better to have one without prior agenda because when we got together, things will just flow-out smooth. Don't plan, one of the things which we learned from each other . It makes the day a lot more exciting where you don't know what to come yet you already see what will happen, a deja vu perhaps.

There are some moments in life that we really ask,"Why do this have to happen to me?" When I look back, I simply now know why. Its the reason why I don't complain when something bad happens to me. A lost, a mislead, a torture, and more to be specific---pain. I'm not rich yet I do whatever I can to achieve things that I want. I have no other way of channeling my expression though I do my best in this field of mine. Thank you guys, hope we will have more times together and I am nothing without your companion. For what did the line from
Zombie Loan yields to generate excitement on people and the one thing that we, too, believe on is
," Money motivates me to work but I never let money control my life."
©Thylyt19 5:03 pm April 23, 2011
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