I just want to ask, "Did I intended to please you?" In the first place, I don't want to harm anybody or to get anyone of getting hurt. I don't even intend to please anyone because its not my way of work. I no one cares for me, I don't care. Yet, I still care for people whom I dwell with. I don't know if you know how to get up things but I don't have bad intentions for anyone. I simply remark what the words anyone come to state. Whether good or bad, its all about how people say it. If you come to say something which never applies to certain situation, then I come to have wonderings about it. I often ask to know what is the problem. I observe in able to know what to do. Yet, its hard to justify an inconsistent person.
"It has nothing to do with you." Zero said this line to
Yuuki for interfering on his works. He only want s to protect Yuuki so he moves away from her. In my case, I know you care for a friend and I care so much too. Those are just writings simply ignore them. I simply wrote things to release what I feel. I may come to be pushed down, perplexed,and wounded though I put them all inside this scribe. I'm too far to be reached yet I come to you guys as far as I can. I'm weak that's true, but I never compromise what reason to settle things that I can't do. I care for you guys so much though these are the simple things I can do. Nevertheless, always be keen to certain details so forth a undull information cannot be perceive. If you know how to understand, then silence is the mere answer for the situation. I don't meant of ruining anything even insulting anyone. It's against my belief. I always tend my work for what is right. Being unjust is my enemy and I consider what is proper towards any disposition. Just put thoughts on your actions and words, for it will reflect our personality. Its always a good thing to be silent though you have nothing good to say on someone's work.

I don't want to lose anyone of you guys, because of you people, I become myself. I simply don't tolerate an unrightful words. I'm a writer everything you say, every single move, and actions you come to surmise---I will praise it depending on the thoughts it inclines. Don't worry, if ever I too admit I'm wrong, I should take some punishment too."I ought to treat myself as I would treat anybody else," Javert said it in Les Miserables in order to state himself in the world. His a police though he does not set himself above the others. He would rather put himself in jail or be sent away if he committed crime. Likdewise, we come to have the same belief and same conscience to be precise. Better yet," I must respect the opinions of th others even if I disagree with them," by Herbert Henry.
©Thylyt19 1:44 pm March 25, 2011
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