"How can I leave you behind and run?"Edward Elric of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood stated this when he was requested by one of his companion to leave him behind. I simply admire Edward for the understanding he come to give for the people he dwell with. He knows why Pride act his way, he has knowledge why Envy does his works, he also accepts the actions of Greed for his whereabouts. Moreover, his too caring for the persons which he comes with. As if every persons lives are important, none goes to waste for everyone has its own purpose. His friend, his brother, and even his enemies--- He doesn't want any of them to die. All of them are precious yet life is a cycle, death includes those who live and walks in this world. It only matters what will you do inside this unsecure sanctuary.
Edward gives importance to his friends. It's the reason why he can't leave them behind and run. He knows that friends are more precious than gold and nothing can parallel a true friend. His actions are well determine and he come to think for the benefit of all. He is humble, I can prove that word for everyone loves to conjure with him. Smart, passionate, and determinated are few that I come to see. This person is smart because he always do the right decision. He thinks first for what will be the outcome of his works. Will it be for the good or for the bad? Will anyone be hurt for my decision or will all do benefit from it? He is never too selfish of what he had and he really cares about the situation of others. It is his works that proves him to be smart. Next is passionate. Edward is passionate for his profession. He tends t stick for the works that he come to start with. Though everything seems to be very vague for his works, he still continues for it is his passion. No regrets, No buts, No question, and no doubts those are the feeling he come to perform. He simply set his passion towards everything so forth Edward won't be astray. Lastly, determinated upon his words. One of the thing that only few can stand. One of the few where true people can fight for.I just come to be astonished by individuals that can make there words true though the road is ragged and muddy. My obeisance should turn to you for your examples are for the sight of a reverence.
Eventually, I come to know him more for I met him for a long time ago. I bow for him because he had done things that no ordinary person can do. His not an imagination, his not a dream, his not fake, but his real. A genuine person which deserves a place where all should take praise for him because of the deeds he perform. I'm really proud I met him and my gratitude seals with this scribe. I may not be worthy to whatever things he come to showcase with, but I am the one who will shout his name for all to remember it and to know him. I deeply thank you my friend. . .
©Thylyt19 3:31pm March 25, 2011
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