Don't ever put your back unto someone. It is one way of letting them down. They had given you trust yet what they were expecting was being neglected. This may hurt, you would not see it but you will feel the motion of there action. Ignorance, avoidance, negligence, and forsake are simply the answer of the people whom treats someone unimportant. By practicing them in a wrong way , you could earn a bad respect. Yet, the proper usage of those will surety save a great life. Apparently, if those are the yield from a trusted person, a peculiar assumption prolong. The old times which everything seems okay, there would be a sudden crack for that connection. I know that to earn something you must give something. It could be labor or anything that would equate it, not just money, for money is only a tool.

I move away from people because I often don't want any commotion. A small question, a smooth talk, and minor things that might dig up very deep into me. People can hurt, that's true. It's one of the reason I don't mingle so much with others. Some sees me in a small group or most of the time, alone. I prefer to it because I don't like some people's reprimand towards my work. I am a nobody and I leave no argument with it. I only do what I desire to do whether you enjoy with it or not its not my fault. The perception of my crafts just depends on you but the reason of them lies in me. However, everything has an exception. An action for the right is needed whenever things gone wrong. Never get tired of doing what is correct. No matter what the cause, the feeling of relief will collide. It could adhere pain yet the feeling will get ease. My one true goal is to express. I don't care if no one would like it because my thoughts are for the just. The enemy for the wrong and portrayal of the light. This is in my mind as I do things.

Never disregard a trust given to you. It could prosper a heart when a trust is bountifully performed. Also, respect grows from it when things continue for the just. Be of haste to fulfill your words and never go astray for them. This might look small things but this small things carries your character. The image which a stranger perceives that could be it. Me, I do good in a group effort. I even like participating to activities which my skill is needed. The problem eventually arise when you see yourself working for them yet they don't produce the same effort. Therefore, I simply go on my own sometimes. For
Batman had said,
"It is wiser to be alone but happy than with somebody who does nothing while your're doing everything."
©Thylyt19 12:39 p,m. April 19,2011
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