Elie Ai |
We often regret what our actions once its already in the past. an error of deeds, hurting someone for a reason, misunderstanding, assuming without further facts, negligence, and a whole lot more. Its hard to give forgiveness depending on how the pain or err is driven. Also, forgiving resides on the judgment of the beholder --- a plausible thought or childish attitude. I always see if I hurt anybody upon my actions. Nobody has the right to hurt anybody. It is very absurd. Whether of physical and of verbal, it is not right. On the other hand, there are some exceptions for this. Reasons are always given if a action collide. One must bare a justful sentiment when a knowledgeable lesson is performed. Pain is simply a way of learning. If you don't learn, it will repeat itself until you get it. I, myself, do commit errs that's why I always mean
"I'm Sorry" whenever I notice and admit my faults.

Before, I'd mistaken someone for somebody else. I interchange someone for another. I know its a minimal err but still I commit a mistake. I said, "Is that a high school student?" yet she's not. I could mistaken her because of her height but its not right to judge a person immediately. It is simply that, I come to perceive her as a high school student though someone tole me that she is already of a right age. I don't want any argument, I simply want to know persons and claim some friends too. My head just fool me sometimes that I mistaken others for someone. I mistag another person to another which is not a good thing. Moreover, by telling me I'm wrong and knowing the facts of my actions teaches me of not dong the same flaw as before. Besides, we're human, we make some mistakes. The problem is, when a mistake is being done again, this means you don't think what you are doing. Never intending to grow, doesn't want to evolve, or progress is not the choice of mind. Life is learning, without it we become idle and with it, we made an advance everyday. I make sure that my works doesn't got any bad intentions for anyone, for I claim respect to individual persons. Likewise, I treat myself as how I treat the others. Its one of my basic belief. My admiration to people that simply enjoys their work not compelling any kind of compensation in regards of there actions puts them on top of my list which I really owe my reverence. Telling the truth, I don't really know her yet she comes to enjoy what she does. That's the true meaning of work. Not by believing for the phrase
"Happiness is a sin."
Personally, I wrote this hoping that I will be heard. If not then I'll just continue writing. Its my passion, nobody can take it away from me. They could mock me down and wish that my works doesn't exist. Well, I'll stand for myself. This is my life. When you take away my pen and paper, you've just like killed me. I will keep all my thoughts inside this scribe. So forth, I can go back an retrace what had happen before. To know my mistake, to think what is my next move, and to teach those people that continuously performs an error yet they still boast for it. Then again, it might be a small thing though I seal my regret for my errs here. I remember
Takashi of
Highschool of the Dead. I also mean what he said,
" What would I gain from lying!!!"
Thanks for crossing my path and I'm sorry if I had mistaken you.
©Thylyt19 12:46 pm March 28, 2011